Angel Flight of British Columbia. Proudly serving Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast & Lower Mainland.
Note: Angel Flight Kootenay’s phone number is
(They have no affiliation with
Angel Flight British Columbia).
We are a registered non-profit organization with a mission to offer free air transportation to ambulatory cancer patients, including children with non-communicable illness. This service is available for patients and their parents who need to travel to cancer clinics and hospitals in Vancouver, Victoria, and other approved Angel Flight areas of operation.
We are Transport Canada and Canadian Transportation Agency approved.
No one in Angel Flight of British Columbia, including the Directors, Administrators, and our Pilots, receives a salary. We are all volunteers, and our Pilots have only their fuel costs reimbursed.
Donations can now be made by e-transfer to (250) 732-6065 with “Angel Flight Donation” in the memo line. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $25.00 and above. If you would like a tax receipt please ensure that your name and address, or email, is on the e-transfer comments box. Thank you.
Our Tax Registration is RR#87866501RR. All donations received go entirely to the purpose of flying those in need to and from treatment centers.
about us
Angel Flight is an entirely volunteer-led organization with no paid employees. Our pilots are experienced volunteers who generously donate their time away from work and their families to provide our services.
where we fly

where we fly
Who We Fly
We fly fully ambulatory cancer patients to and from treatment centers on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. We also fly children with non-communicable illnesses when accompanied by a parent or guardian. As our aircraft are small, passengers must be able to climb onto the wing of the plane and then down into the cockpit with little or no assistance. We DO NOT provide flights for any person who is wheelchair dependent, has a communicable illness or who requires medical assistance in flight. Passengers must limit the amount/weight of their luggage and are asked to use soft “duffle like” bags. In most cases walkers and stroller will not fit into our planes. Passengers must wear closed-toe shoes (no sandals). Ladies are requested to wear pants.
Our story begins with a meeting between our founder and Chuck Lovallo, whose son survived leukemia …

The Honourable Iona Campagnola
“Dear Jeff Morris:
Thank you for sending the really heart-warming story of the little girl and her Mother from Powell River. Yours is such a compassionate and humane cause that I think the Angel's wings belong to you and your fellow Pilots. We can only trust that the advances in care and treatment are sufficient to keep these young people in a positive 'flight path' toward fully restored lives.
You provide a 'winning' service and I know in doing so, each one of you is more than rewarded through the gratitude of those you serve and the sense that our society is the better for having people in it like you and your comrades who are freely willing to share your expertise in their support.”
Good wishes,
Iona C.

“Dear Jeff, Thank you for all your hard work in coordinating the Angel Flights for me and your ability with people. My many thanks to the volunteer pilots and their planes. To say I enjoyed each and every flight doesn’t begin to express my delight at take-offs and landings. Flying over beautiful country and the wonderful attitude of the pilots. What an incredible service that is provided for people like me. Thank you again you wonderful people.”

“Dear Jeff Morris, pilots, volunteers and planes of Angel Flight, As a man battling cancer I can truly attest to the stress-relieving benefits, along with the sheer joy Angel Flight service provides. Not to have to endure the debilitating side-effects of chemotherapy treatment and drugs on a long stressful ferry ride home, to exemplify. What you guys do is powerful, outstanding, above and beyond and exemplary of real compassion and goodwill. You guys have been angels and the light in my life through some dark, harsh times and you’ve got the wings to prove it! My gratitude is beyond words. For what you do for me and other cancer patients, my heartfelt thanks guys. As I said to one of the pilots.....”You know the only good thing about cancer...The free flights between Victoria and Vancouver.”
“Dear Jeff, My family and I can never thank you and your pilots enough for the wonderful weekends we have been able to spend together because of Angel Flight and all the time given to make it possible. There are not enough “thank you’s”

“Dear Jeff, Once again I would like to tender my thanks to you and Angel Flight for the service you provided me for the last several weeks. It was quite an eye opener for me to learn that there are so many people from the flying fraternity who are prepared to give up their time to help others. Please convey my thanks to those who flew me when you see them. Best wishes.”

“To Jeff and all the pilots, volunteers, donors and sponsors of Angel Flight. My deepest gratitude and warmest appreciation for all you did over the past months. Your help allowed me to come home from treatment each weekend. You may never really know how very much this contributed to not only my peace of mind, but my entire healing journey. I will always hold you in my heart.”

The Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award
Jeff Morris, President of Angel Flight, receives Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award for his work with Angel Flight of British Columbia.
The award, presented by British Columbia’s Lieutenant Governor Steven Point, was made in Victoria and Jeff acknowledged that Angel Flight was a team effort.